Welcome to Ruby Class!


A day at Northampton Saints! 

Ahead of the Women's Rugby World Cup next year, some children from Ruby class were invited to participate in a non competitive rugby tournament at the Saints! 

Term 5 English stimulus is...


Twelve year old twins, Verity and Ethan travel to Guatemala with their archaeologist father. Whilst excavating a newly found Maya city, an ancient mask is discovered. Is the mask the cause of the end of the Maya civilisation, or is something more underhand going on? Will the children find out the answer as they deal with danger, kidnap, excitement and mystery? 


Our Stunning Start to Summer!


We had a tasty introduction to the summer term this week as we sat down to a feast of Maya cuisine! On the menu were some familiar items such as turkey and dark chocolate but the spicy salsa and avocado really tickled our taste buds and our journey into Mesoamerica began. Before tasting the delights in front of us we recorded the appearance and smell of the foods then made predictions on the texture and taste - we unanimously agreed that the black beans were very bitter! 

Feeling energised from our elevenses we delved into how The Maya communicated with each other, we discovered The Maya spoke their own language like we do but their writing system was a little different to ours. Mayan writing was a combination of hieroglyphs representing different sounds so we set about writing our names - some letters don't have a corresponding glyph so we had to get quite creative!


We continued our creative streak in the afternoon with an ancient art lesson. We learned that The Maya were artistic folk who shared stories by carving glyphs into huge stone monuments called Stelae. We shaped our own (much smaller) Stela from clay and decorated them with glyphs to tell our own (much shorter) story! 

Term 3 English stimulus is...


From his tiny is seat in the tiny aeroplane, Fred watches as the mysteries of the Amazon jungle pass by below him. He has always dreamed of becoming an explorer, of making history and of reading his name amongst the lists of great discoveries. If only he could land and look about him.

As the plane crashes into the canopy, Fred is suddenly left without a choice. He and the three other children may be alive, but the jungle is a vast, untamed place. With no hope of rescue, the chance of getting home feels impossibly small.

Except, it seems, someone has been there before them. 

Our Stunning Start to 2024....

We started our new term in stunning style with a jungle themed crossword and wordsearch to get us ready for 'True or False'. Working with our partners we were given facts about the jungle and had to decide if they were, indeed, true or false.

Next up was Quiz Time 'Jungle style'... Four rounds of questions from jungle general knowledge to sounds of the jungle - we really embraced the wild rhythms of the rainforest!

During the afternoon, we unleashed our artistic skills and produced some wild works of art which we've displayed in our school hall, for everyone to enjoy! 

World War 1 Newspaper Reports

For the last few weeks we have been journalists reporting on the war from the frontline!   


Our Stunning Start

We had a super stunning start to year 6 which began when we were introduced to Liam from the Northampton Saints Foundation. We thought our theme for this term was WW1 so why were we playing rugby? 

 Liam took us on a journey through time and we learnt all about a rugby player who was born in Northampton called Edgar Mobbs. We discovered, in September 1914 that Edgar formed 'The Mobbs' and fought in the First World War. We found how the club came to discover Frank Anderson, the club's first mixed raced player and the story of Jim Baker, the Saints first captain.


In English we are using War Game as a stimulus for diary writing...

We are using War Game to help us write diary entries in English/


The 'lads' have just travelled from Southampton to France. 

After a cramped train journey, they arrive at a vast supplies depot.

The reality of what's about to happen starts to sink in.

New challenges were part of the fun during our trip to the Frontier Centre!

We navigated the high ropes, learnt how to fence and found our way around the maze.