This is where you can access useful information such as school meals, uniform orders and before and after school care.
How we keep in touch with parents
There are many ways we keep in touch with parents:
Open Door Policy
The school operates an Open Door Policy where if you need to speak to your child's teacher they will see you if possible. If they are unable to see you straight away then we will pass a message onto them or make an appointment for you to see them.
Parent and Teacher Half Hour (PATH) Sessions
The teaching staff are available every Monday after school from 3.30 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. for you to pop in and have a look at your children's books, discuss progress or generally have a chat with your child's teacher to see how things are going.
Before and After School
Either Mr Cox or a member of the Senior Leadership Team is on duty outside from 8.30 a.m. in the morning or 3.25 p.m. in the afternoon for you to talk to. This saves you having to go through the office to make an appointment. We find this face to face contact time extremely important.
The Year 3 teachers follow their children out at the end of the school day so that they can be handed over to the adult who is collecting them. This gives you another opportunity to chat with your child's class teacher if they are in Year 3.
Text Messaging
The school operates a text messaging service so that we can send useful information direct to your mobile phone. Please make sure that we have an up-to-date mobile number.
The school sends its communications out via email. Please ensure that we have an email address for you so that you can receive the newsletter and other letters from the school.
Parents' Evening
We have three Parents' Evenings a year. One in the Autumn Term, one in the Spring Term and then a more informal one in summer after the annual reports have gone out.
School Closure:
Should the school need to close for any reason you will be notified. A text message will be sent out to all parents informing you of the closure. The County Council Website will also publish details of any school closures as will local radio.