Sport Premium


The school has spent the Sport Premium in a number of ways. Firstly, the school has been able to move away from the use of a private company to train staff and provide sport specific coaching for the children due to improved skill set amongst the staff.  This has been a major impact of the funding with a greater level of confidence amongst the staff to deliver PE across the school.  The plans for the how the funding will be used for the current year are shown below.



The school uses part of the Sport Premium money to take extra year groups swimming.  For the academic year 2021/22 Sports Premium money was used to take Year 6 swimming (to make up for the pool closure during the Covid-19 pandemic) in addition to Year 5. 

During 2020/21 the pool was closed for a period of time and only those children who had not achieved the standard in Year 5 got to go in Year 6.  However, this was only for a limited period.  The impact in 2021/22 has been that pool time has been limited due to the level of demand on the pool and swimming lessons were curtailed; Year 6 were unable to have a full set of swimming lessons when they were in Year 5 due to an outbreak in school during the year.  As a result fewer Year 6s than normal have met the standard.  

The policy has been to focus on Year 5 for a longer period of time and that has been successful in 2021/22 as the figures below show for academic year 2022/23.  Sport Premium money is being used to now send the current Year 5 children (2022/23) swimming for half the academic year per class with the aim of getting even more of them up to the national standard.

Swimming Indicator Percentage of children in Year 6 who have met the performance indicator (2020/21) Percentage of children leaving school in Year 6 who have met the indicator (2021/22) Percentage of children leaving Year 6 who have met the indicator (2022/23)
  • Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
60% 61% 82%
  • Use a range of strokes effectively
55% 44% 74%
  • Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
55% 44% 74%


Details of the planned expenditure for this year's Sport Premium can be found by clicking on this link.

Sport Premium 2015/16

Sport Premium 2016/17

Sport Premium 2017/18

Sport Premium 2018/19 Reviewed

Sport Premium 2019/20

Sport Premium 2019/20 Reviewed

Sport Premium 2020/21

Sport Premium 2021/22 and 2020/21 Review

Sport Premium 2022/23 and 2021/22 Review

Sport Premium 2023/24 and 2022/23 Review