Internet Safety
To help you keep your child safe online the school has subscribed to National Online Safety. To access this resource and set yourself up with your own login please click on this link:
This is a site that contains all the latest information for you and also training videos you can watch.
The basic rule is to keep all digital devices out of bedrooms and near you! Another tip is to agree a contract for the use of technology that you can all keep, involving the children in formalising the sanctions if the contract is broken. Click here for some extra information.
Useful websites to look at to find out more about keeping your child safe online are:
Please click on this link to find a leaflet giving information about the role of the M.A.S.H in Northamptonshire.
Early Help Assessment
As a school we work closely with the Northamptonshire Children's Trust. Part of this work involves the Early Help framework:
Early Help Information for Parents
The above link will explain the process and how it could support you and your family.